December 10, 2023
The right attitude.
"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." Pr 23:7 NKJV
What separates the best from the rest? Have you ever given that some thought? What separates a gold medalist from a silver medalist in the Olympics? What separates a successful entrepreneur from someone who doesn't make it? What makes it possible for one person to flourish after a debilitating accident while someone else gives up and dies? It's attitude! The Bible says, "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he."
Your attitude can be your greatest asset
or your greatest liability.
It makes you or breaks you.
It lifts you up or drags you down.
The right attitude may not let you do everything, but it will help you to do anything better than you would when your attitude is wrong. The happiest people in life don't undoubtedly have the best of everything; they simply try to make the best of everything.
They're like a person in a remote village who daily goes to the well for water and says, "Every time I come to this well, I come away with my bucket full," instead of saying, "I can't believe I have to keep coming back to this well every day to fill up my bucket!" Your attitude has a profound influence on your approach to life. Ask a surgeon if a patient's attitude matters when he or she is trying to save that person's life in an emergency room. Ask a teacher if a student's attitude has an impact before they take a test.
Jesus said, "According to your faith be it unto you" (Mt 9:29). Like a magnet, faith draws on the strength which God offers.