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RCCG-Victory Temple Chantilly

Meditate--percolate (1)

7th Nov, 2022

Meditate--percolate (1)

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly." Col

3:16 NKJV

Meditating in Scripture is one of the great keys to spiritual growth. In Psalm 1, David writes, "In His law he meditates day and night" (Ps 1:2 NKJV). 

But the word "meditation" is not one that a text-and-Twitter generation relates to very well. We imagine sober-faced monks wearing hair shirts and chanting on bended knees as the sun comes up every morning.

As a result, we want to run in the opposite direction. We admire such people, think God has to call us to such a thing, and conclude that He certainly hasn't called us to do it. Or we think meditation is a discipline that requires hours of uninterrupted time, and time is the one thing we don't have any more of.

And the result? We live busy but spiritually barren lives. Some of us actually think meditation is a fine thing, but we believe that there are too many other areas of spiritual growth and character development we need to work on first. 

What's the problem? We don't understand what it means to meditate, or the rich benefits it will give us. A spoon of instant coffee is okay if you just want the basic taste of coffee. But if you want more-if you want to enjoy the flavors of the coffee in all their richness-you have to let it percolate. So, we could paraphrase the Scripture this way: "In His law he percolates day and night." That is what Paul meant here: "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom." Today, enjoy the aroma, taste the flavor, and experience the strength of percolating on God's Word.

We live busy but spiritually barren lives.

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