28th Dec, 2022
Home sweet home!
"I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." Ps 23:6 NIV
For some of us, the love of God doesn't feel real. Why is that? Because we have tried to make this earth our home. And as a result, we live with worry and frustration. Only when you have the right view of there will you have the right view of here. When you understand where your true home is, death is never a period; instead, it's a conjunction.
Less than one second after you die, you will be escorted into the presence of God. You won't even be dead long enough to know you died. You don't expire; you transfer. Quicker than you can blink, you move from one dimension to another.
You go from living in this time to dwelling "in the house of the Lord forever." Most of us will not die suddenly of a heart attack, or a stroke, or in a car crash. For most of us, death will come gradually as we wear down over time. You will feel your body deteriorating and atrophying, and you will know you're nearing death.
Then God will put you into transition mode. He will make heaven look much more appealing than earth so that you will be thinking, "I wish God would just hurry up and take me home." He may even give you a little preview of glory and let you see your Savior waiting to welcome you. When you glimpse those arms wide open, you will want the trip to hurry up and take place. You will say like David, "As for me, I will see Your face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness" (Ps 17:15 NKJV). Home sweet home!
You don't expire; you transfer.
