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RCCG-Victory Temple Chantilly

Get serious about personal growth

SEP. 28, 2024

Get serious about personal growth.

"Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory." 1Ch 4:10 NKJV

The story of Jabez takes up only two

Scriptures, but they contain life-changing truth: "Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, 'Because I bore him in pain!

And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, 'Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!' So God granted him what he requested" (vv. 9-10 NKJV). 

That prayer could be reduced to these words: 

  • "I want to grow; 

  • I want to know; 

  • I want to go!" 

The biggest danger you face is the idea that you will make personal growth a priority later. Don't fall into that rut. Someone said, "The only difference between a rut and a grave is the length!" If you want to reach your God-given potential, you need to do more than simply experience life and hope you learn what you need to know as you travel along. You must capture growth opportunities as if your future requires it-because it does. Growth doesn't just occur; you have to pursue it. You say, "But I'm afraid of failing." All of us have fears. 

But there is good news: All of us have faith. "God has dealt to each one a measure of faith" (Ro 12:3 NKJV). The question you must ask yourself is, "Which one will I allow to be stronger, my fears or my faith?" God has great things in store for you, so rise up in faith and begin to seize them.

Get serious about personal growth

Capture growth opportunities.

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