4th Jul, 2023
Don't be afraid to go
"You must go...And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you." Dt 31:7-8 NKJV
When God tells you to "go," remind yourself that every detail of your future is already known to Him.
Centuries ago when a mapmaker ran out of the known world before he ran out of parchment, he would frequently draw a dragon at the edge of the scroll. This was intended as a sign to explorers that they were entering unknown territory at their own risk. Many, however, didn't regard the dragon as a mapmaker's warning sign but instead as a prophecy. They foresaw disaster beyond the known worlds they traversed, and their fear kept them from pushing on to discover new lands and peoples.
Other more adventuresome travelers, however, saw the dragon as a sign of opportunity and a doorway to new worlds worth exploring. Each of us has a mental map that contains the information we use for guidance as we begin each day. And like the maps of long ago, our mental maps have edges to them, and sometimes those edges seem to be marked by dragons or fears.
We fear failing, or being rejected, or ridiculed, or that we won't have enough, or that we will lose what we have. If that's how you feel today, read these words spoken by God to His people when they stood on the threshold of the promised land without knowing what awaited them when they went into it.
"The Lord, He is the One who goes before you." So, write down your goal, map out a strategy, and set a deadline. Then commit it to God, believing that He has gone before you to prepare the way.
Every detail of your future is already known to Him.