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Be patient, God is at work!

February 26, 2024

Be patient, God is at work!

"Hope in the Lord and keep his way." Ps 37:34 NIV

When things don't happen as quickly as we want them to, we can become anxious, frustrated, irritable, and negative. And if you're a "make it happen" person, you can rush ahead of God and get into trouble. "The steps of good men are directed by the Lord.

He delights in each step they take" (Ps 37:23 TLB). 

Think about it: If you're following the Lord, you can't go faster than the One who is leading. So, just take the next step and trust Him to work things out for you. God knows what you don't know. At best, you are working with limited knowledge. 

  • Do you believe your steps are being "directed by the Lord"? 

  • Do you believe He has a plan for your life? 

  • Do you believe He cares for you and has your best interests at heart? 

If you do, then stand on this Scripture: "Don't be impatient for the Lord to act! Keep traveling steadily along his pathway and in due season he will honor you with every blessing" (Ps 37:34 TLB). 

God knows what He is doing. He works according to His schedule, not ours. When will God "honor you with every blessing?" Answer: "in due season." 

Impatience is a sign of two things: 

(1) Immaturity

Babies cry until you pick them up, and children don't want to wait for anything. But a wise parent knows that often the child is not ready to handle what they're demanding. 

(2) Doubt and unbelief.

"You need to keep on patiently doing God's will if you want him to do for you all that he has promised" (Heb 10:36 TLB).

Be patient, God is at work

God knows what you don't know.


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